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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) AED-EUR

When is the best time to change AEDs to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

There is no best time to sell AEDs to euros because the AED-EUR rates oscillate continously depending on the strengths of the economies of the Euro countries with respect to the countries that use AEDs.

It is, nevertheless, advisable to be informed about events such as Brexit, major sporting events or wars like the Ukraine one, where the price of a currency can vary upwards or downwards with respect to the Euro.

Although we cannot predict how the dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis to euro rates will fluctuate, at Comparer Devise we help you to change AEDs to euros at the best rates day to day in France.

How does the ISO to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

To appreciate how currency exchange works, think of any retail branch that sells a product to you as an individual. The retailer acquires wares from a supplier called a wholesaler at a purchase price, to which it sums up a profit margin.

The gap between the sell price at which you buy in that store (eg your dirhams AEDs) and what it cost the store to acquire those dirhams AEDs is the benefit it obtains in that foreign exchange.

Nevertheless there is a difference in foreign exchange with other businesses. In general, foreign currency notes (dirhams AEDs in this case) pass on from consumer to consumer, that is, they are not consumed.

For that reason, it may be the case that a currency provider or a bank buys dirhams AEDs from a tourist travelling to France (earning a margin) and those same dirhams AEDs become yours when you purchase that currency (new profit margin).

I have previously changed Euros to AEDs, what do I do if I have remaining AEDs when I return to France? Abrir Respuesta

All holiday money suppliers in France are dedicated to the sale and purchase of currency. If you come back with AEDs left over upon return to France, you only need to enter Comparer and select our Sell your currency tab in the top menu.

Then select your town of residence and Comparer Devise will tell you the total Euros the different currency providers will offer that day in your city for your remaining AEDs.

Bear in mind that they will only order you AEDs notes but not loose change.

How can I know the best dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis to euro exchange rate today in France? Abrir Respuesta

To obtain the best AED-EUR exchange rate, we suggest you do a simulation on Comparer Devise.

You will find out that a column appears in the result page that says AED-EUR exchange today.

Next examine the number below for each currency supplier. With reference to banks, we display an median rate, however bear in mind that virtually all of them in France apply, in addition to the rate, a fee of 2.5 to 3% normally, with a minimum of between six to ten euros.

The exchange rate you see is known as the dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis to euro direct exchange rate, and the higher that number is, the more Euros you will obtain for each dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis you change. Comparer Devise compares the exchange rates daily so that you obtain the best foreign exchange every day when you sell dirhams des Émirats Arabes Unis to euros.

Is there a maximum quantity of dirhams des Émirats Arabes Unis that I can change from an online supplier in France when I change dirhams des Émirats Arabes Unis to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Holiday money suppliers in France normally limit the maximum amount of foreign currency to be changed from dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis to euro to the equivalent in euros to 3,000 to 6,000 € per calendar quarter.

This is a requirement the money laundering prevention regulations. If you need to change a higher amount of dirhams des Émirats Arabes Unis to Euros, we advise you to speak directly with the holiday money supplier.

They might ask from you additional documentation and proof of the source of your dirhams des Émirats Arabes Unis (identity card, passport, certificate of professional activity, income statements, etc.).

Do I need to show any kind of ID card to change AEDs to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. According to the antimoney laundering norms, the french currency suppliers will ask you when you exchange holiday money to euros (and vice-versa) an updated and valid identity document. If you sell AEDs to euros at least they will demand from you for your resident´s ID card (carte nationale d´identité) or passport.

Is it safe to make an online reservation of dirhams for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

Indeed. If you want to ensure the AED-EUR price you see on our result page. And also if you need to make sure that the currency provider will not charge you a fee.

In France you can fall into the hands of some travel money providers with a bad reputation who charge their users a remarkable commission when selling dirhams to euros directly from their branches without having previously reserved on their Internet site.

Where can I sell dirhams AEDs for euros during my holidays in France today? Abrir Respuesta

Normally, when we need to change dirhams AEDs to euros in France we only think of banks. Yet we tend to forget that practically nearly all banks in France impose on you a a margin on the dirhams AEDs that you change with them, in addition to, a fixed commission of 3% (with a minimum of six to ten euros).

This makes the currency exchange more expensive and in most cases it is much more recommended to exchange travel money at a high street currency supplier. These businesses offer the possibility of changing your dirhams AEDs to euros via collect in store.

As for the airport, it is always the least interesting option as it is much more expensive than the foreign exchange suppliers located out of the airport.

Where to sell and where not to sell dirhams to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

In general, we recommend to avoid any supplier that imposes on you a commission in addition to a foreign exchange margin, and browse on our website the dirham des Émirats Arabes Unis to euro day to day exchange rate.

Literally all banks in France apply to you a three per cent commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) amount of 6 to 10 euros.

Keep in mind that the smaller the quantity of dirhams to sell to euros, the higher the impact of this fixed commission on your pocket.

Is it safe to change dirhams AEDs to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. You can change your dirhams AEDs for euros in the online store of a foreign currency supplier that has an online resevation service.

In addition, they will offer you the possibility of booking online and picking your euros at one of their agencies.

For your information prices vary each day so it will be optimal to order online the very day you will go to the agency to change dirhams AEDs for euros.

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