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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) SCP-EUR

How does the ISO to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

To understand how foreign exchange works, think of any retail shop that offers a product to you as a consumer. The business buys goods from a supplier known as wholesaler at a purchase price, to which it includes a profit margin.

The gap between the sell price at which you buy in that shop (eg your livres SCPs) and what it cost the store to acquire those livres SCPs is the profit it obtains in that currency exchange.

But there is a distinction in foreign exchange with other businesses. In principle, foreign currency banknotes (livres SCPs in this case) rotate from hand to hand, that is, they are not consumed.

For that reason, it may be the case that a currency supplier or a bank purchases livres SCPs from a tourist who enters France (gaining a margin) and those same livres SCPs pass into your hands when you purchase that currency (new profit margin).

Must I carry with me any type of document to do a SCP-EUR currency exchange? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. According to the antimoney laundering norms, the french foreign currency suppliers have to demand from you when you change holiday money to euros (and vice-versa) an updated and valid identity card. If you change livres SCPs to euros at least they will demand from you for your passport or resident´s identity card called carte nationale d´identité.

Is there a limit to the amount of livres de l'Ecosse that I can change from an online supplier in France when I change livres de l'Ecosse to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, travelers change livres de l'Ecosse to euros about the equivalent in € to seven hundred in France.

If, for any reason, you have to order livres de l'Ecosse to euros for over the equivalent of five thousand euros, it is a good idea to contact your bank or currency supplier.

First to negotiate a better livre d´Écoisse to euro price than the one you see in our website. Secondly to validate that they are authorized to change you with the level of personal data they know about you.

Is it safe to change livres to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

In countries like the the USA or the UK, it is customary to obtain travel money online. The customer who wants to change livres to euros will go to a holyday money comparison service like Comparer Devise or directly to a travel money supplier and order online their livres or whatever currency for euros he/she wants to change.

When is the best moment to change livres Écossais to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

There isn´t a best time to sell livres Écossais to euros because the livre d´Écoisse to euro prices change continously depending on the strengths of the economies of the Euro countries with respect to the countries that use livres Écossais.

It is, nevertheless, advisable to pay attention to events like Brexit, major sporting events or wars like the Ukraine one, where the price of a currency can be altered upwards or downwards with respect to the Euro.

Although it is impossible to know how the livre d´Écoisse to euro prices will develop, at Comparer Devise we help you to sell livres Écossais to euros at the best prices daily in France.

Is it advisable to order online or click and collect SCPs for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

The economical SCPs to euro rates are normally found when you change them online to do a click and collect from a store of a currency provider around you.

As regards to banks in France, almost all of them allow for online reservation. Some of them let you reserve online and pick-up your euros some days later. But the livre d´Écoisse to euro rate you will end up paying will be, that of the day of collection, not that of the day you ordered the SCPs to euro change.

How can I find the best livre d´Écoisse to euro exchange rate today in France? Abrir Respuesta

To obtain the best livre d´Écoisse to euro exchange rate, we advise you do a simulation on Comparer Devise.

You will see that a column appears in the result page that says SCP-EUR exchange today.

Afterwards look at the number below for each currency supplier. With reference to banks, we present an median price, but keep in mind that virtually all of them in France impose, in addition to the rate, a fee of 2.5 to 3% usually, with a minimum of between 6 to 10 €.

The exchange rate you see is known as the livre d´Écoisse to euro direct exchange rate, and the higher that number is, the more Euros you will obtain for each ISO you hand in. Comparer Devise compares the exchange prices every day so that you acquire the best currency exchange every day when you change livres to euros.

Where to sell and where not to change SCPs to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

In general, our advice is to keep away from any entity that charges you a commission in addition to an exchange margin, and browse on our website the SCP-EUR day to day exchange rate.

Literally all french banks impose on you a three per cent fee, with a minimum (whichever is higher) amount between 6 and 10 euros.

Bear in mind that the lower the amount of SCPs to sell to euros, the higher the impact of this fixed fee on your pocket.

I have previously changed Euros to livres Écossais, what do I do with my leftover livres Écossais on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

Find out from your foreign currency supplier if your purchase includes a boy back cover right. This means the ability to return a % of the livres Écossais of the initial order with no extra cost.

If you do not qualify for buyback, head to our Sell your currency tab, fill in the livre d´Écoisse value you did not spend (banknotes only, not loose coins) and choose your city. We will show you the total Euros the different holiday money providers will offer on the day in your city for your leftover livres Écossais.

Where can I sell SCPs for euros during my holidays in France today? Abrir Respuesta

In France you can change SCPs for euros primarily at your bank or at the currency suppliers. Generally banks apply a fixed commission oscillating between 2.5% and 3% with a minimum of 6 to 10 euros for each travel money you do with them.

This applies when you acquire foreign currency and when you offer your surplus to euros. This means that if you change the equivalent of 100 euros from SCPs to euros, in addition to the SCP-EUR exchange rate of the day, you will be charged between 6 and 10 extra euros as commission. Currency providers that advertise no commission are more interesting since they do not apply you this commission.

Comparer Devise shows you the SCP-EUR exchange rates of the day and sorts them from most to least interesting to help you choose well where to sell your SCPs to euros.

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