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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) -EUR

Is it recommendable to make an online reservation of roubles RUBs for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

Indeed. If you want to guarantee the rouble russe to euro price you see on the results page of Comparer Devise. But also if you need to ensure that the currency provider will not charge you a fee.

In France you can fall into the hands of some holiday money suppliers with bad practices that impose on their users an outstanding commission when changing roubles RUBs to euros directly from their stores without having previously ordered on their website.

Where to change and where not to change roubles de Russie to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

Where you are never interested in doing a rouble russe to euro currency exchange is at the airport. As with the bottle of water at the price of gold, the airport manager and the airport currency supplier, divide the benefits of your exchange at the airport. Bear in mind, the more players that play in the currency exchange game the higher the rates to charge to travelers.

Practically all french banks apply to you a three per cent fee, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity of six to ten €.

Is there a ceiling of roubles de Russie that I can change on the Internet in France when I change roubles de Russie to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The most common purchase of the average user who changes roubles de Russie to Euros is the equivalent in euros to 700 euros, which is a quantity that falls within the limits of the travel money suppliers that operate with travelers in France.

The larger the purchase in euros of your roubles de Russie to change, the higher the possibility you will be required to prove your professional activity data as well as your passport or ID card.

How does the rouble russe to euro currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Foreign exchange is a poorly transparent market in France.

When you purchase or sell roubles de Russie with euros or roubles de Russie in exchange for euros at a bank or at the airport, you are paying more.

French banks usually impose on you a commission of 3% on the roubles de Russie that you buy or sell from/to them.

And the currency supplier at the airport imposes on you a very deceiving rate taking advantage of the fact that you passed through there.

Balancing rates in a comparison engine like Comparer Devise that includes 5 currency suppliers in France is the best way to obtain more roubles de Russie for the same euros.

I have previously changed Euros to roubles de Russie, what can I do if I have remaining roubles de Russie on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

If you have roubles de Russie left over once your travels are over, go to our Sell your currency tab, enter the rouble russe value you saved (banknotes only, not loose coins) and choose your town. We will display the nearest currency provider´s offices that will buy your extra roubles de Russie from you and the total amount of Euros they will hand you in exchange.

Keep in mind that they will only buy you roubles de Russie banknotes but not loose change.

Do I need to provide any kind of document to sell my RUBs in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

Normally, to sell RUBs for euros, the European money laundering prevention regulations require holiday money suppliers to know their customers (Know Your Customer (KYC)). This means that you will have to identify yourself as a seller or buyer with a an updated and valid ID card (resident´s ID card (carte nationale d´identité) or passport).

When is the best moment to change roubles to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

On a daily basis, all year round the rouble russe to euro rates see changes in foerign markets, depending on the strength of the rouble russe currency against the Euro.

This explains that, there is no exclusive moment to change roubles with euros. But there are free online services like Comparer Devise that assist you in comparing all the roubles being bought by currency providers, banks and the airport. With these rates you will succeed in selling your roubles to euro at the best rates of the day.

Where can I change roubles de Russie in exchange for euros in France today? Abrir Respuesta

If you believed that your bank or the airport were the sole places to sell roubles de Russie for euros today in France, please, first browse rates in the various currency suppliers that we have compared for you above.

You can spot that for the same quantity of roubles de Russie, you will acquire more Euros depending on the service you select and you can spend the difference on other leisure activities for your trip (coffees, souvenirs, transportation, etc.).

How can I know the best rouble russe to euro exchange rate today in France? Abrir Respuesta

If you wish to change roubles to euros you just have to choose roubles in our currency purchase form, tab Sell Currency. Next type in the amount you want to change and choose your town so that we can show you the nearest currency exchange bureau.

Comparer Devise will display the results of the different currency suppliers, sorted from cheaper to more expensive. We will also display the average rate at french high street banks and at the airports (if they offer that currency).

Is it safe to sell RUBs to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

In France, currency providers and some banks are beginning to offer online currency exchange services to their clients when you sell RUBs to euros online.

You just have to make a rouble russe to euro reservation. Then choose a branch of the provider where to pick the euros from. And the date you will go to the chosen store.

Bear in mind that rates vary daily so it will be optimal to order online the very day you will head to the outlet.

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