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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) RON-EUR

When is the best time to sell leus to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

The RON-EUR price oscillates day to day. The currencies of countries with more stable economies oscillate less, and vice-versa. Nevertheless it is also necessary to take into account phenomena such as Brexit or the Ukraine war, major sporting events or economic crisis, which can impact the forex rates of a specific currency, like the leu roumain, from one day to the next.

Any way, most banks and currency suppliers often change the price at which they buy or sell leus once a day, first thing in the morning.

We always have its prices up to date, so that you browse the best data available on exchange rates.

Where to change and where not to sell leus to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

Generally speaking, we recommend to avoid any supplier that charges you a commission as well as a foreign exchange margin, and browse on our website the RON-EUR day to day exchange rate.

Almost all banks in France apply to you a 3% fee, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity of six to ten €.

Bear in mind that the smaller the amount of leus to change to euros, the more the impact of this fixed fee on your personal finances.

Do I need to carry with me any kind of document to sell my levs de Roumanie in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

The usual thing is that the holiday money supplier where you will sell your levs de Roumanie to euros will demand from you to provide an updated and valid identity card (passport or resident´s identity card called carte nationale d´identité in France). Take into account that the driver's license is not usually accepted as a valid document.

Contrarily banks do not generally request any documentation from their customers who sell levs de Roumanie to euros with them because they will already have identified them when they opened a bank account with them.

Where can I change leus roumains for euros during my holidays in France today? Abrir Respuesta

In France you have three places where you can change leus roumains to euros. You will probably think first of your bank. Still, the banks include an exchange rate to your leus roumains plus a commission of 3%. This implies that, to give an example if you change the equivalent of 1000 euros from leus roumains to euros you will be cashed a 30 euros commission.

alternatively, your other alternative might be the airport at the last minute. Still, french airports are the most costly of all options because the foreign exchange suppliers located there, have to pay part of their profits to the airport manager.

Foreign currency suppliers located out of the airport in France are a very good alternative to sell leus roumains to euros.

Is it safe to make an online reservation of levs RONs for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. If you want to ensure the leu roumain to euro rate you see on our result page. But also if you need to ensure that the holiday money provider won´t charge you a fee.

In France you can fall into the hands of some foreign currency suppliers with a bad reputation who impose on their customers a remarkable commission when changing levs RONs to euros directly from their branches without having previously booked on their Internet site.

Is it safe to sell levs de Roumanie to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

In countries like the United Kingdom or the United States, it is very common to buy or sell travel money online. The traveler that needs to sell levs de Roumanie to euros will go to a travel money website the likes of Comparer Devise or directly to a travel money supplier and order online their levs de Roumanie or any other currency for euros she/he needs to change.

How can I get the best leu roumain to euro exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

Finding the best exchange rate for the levs RONs with respect to the euro today in France, is simple.

Firstly, we advise you to not trust the prices of the currency converters you see on the Internet. These rates are for foerign currency but not for notes. In addition, they are reserved for banks. The rates you give out as a consumer are less appealling.

The second thing you should do is find at the direct RON-EUR exchange rate (that 0.991 with more or less digits that you see advertised everywhere and that varies every day).

The higher that number is, the more euros you will obtain for every leu roumain you hand in.

For that reason, the best exchange rate will be the higher exchange rate. Comparer Devise makes it easy for you to obtain the best leu roumain to euro exchange rate. Our results page orders Euro offers from highest to lowest price of the day in five currency providers, banks and airports in France.

How does the leu roumain to euro currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Foreign exchange is a very opaque market in France.

When you purchase or sell leus with euros or leus in exchange for euros at a bank or at the airport, you are paying more.

French banks practically impose on you a commission of 3% on the leus that you pruchase or sell from/to them.

And the currency supplier at the airport invoices you a very disappointing price taking advantage of the fact that you passed through there.

Contrasting rates in a comparison engine like our website that includes 5 currency suppliers in France is the best guarantee to obtain more leus for the same euros.

I have previously exchanged Euros to levs RONs, what can I do if I have remaining levs RONs on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

Upon return to France, you can exchange your exceeding currency, only banknotes, never loose coins, (levs RONs in this case) at your bank or your closest currency provider.

Look at the RON-EUR rates first and make a comparison on Comparer Devise to find out the most interesting place. If you go to your bank, take into account that your bank will impose on you, another time, a commission near to 3% with a minimum of six to nine Euros (the largest of the two).

Is there a maximum quantity of RONs that I can change from an online supplier in France when I change RONs to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The most common purchase of the typical user who changes RONs to Euros is the equivalent in euros to 700 €, which is a quantity that falls within the limits of the foreign currency providers that operate with travelers in France.

The higher the purchase in euros of your RONs to change, the higher the possibility you will be required to prove your business activity data additionally to your identity document or passport.

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