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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) MXN-EUR

How will I know the best Mexican Pesos to euro exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

If you want to sell for euros you just need to select in our currency purchase widget, tab Sell Currency. Then enter the amount you want to change and select your city in order to get the closest currency exchange branch.

Comparer Devise will sort the results of the different currency suppliers, ordered from more interesting to less appealing. We will also display the average rate at french high street banks and at the airports (if they offer that currency).

Where to change and where not to change MXNs to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

Generally speaking, we advise you to sell your holiday money in safe places and where they do not impose on you a commission, in addition to a profit margin. Practically all french banks and some physical currency suppliers will charge you a currency exchange commission of around 3%, with a minimum (whichever is higher), of 6 to 10 euros.

This means that if you change the equivalent of one hundred euros from Mexican Pesos to euro, in addition to an exchange margin, you will have to pay a fixed commission of of six to ten €, since it is a larger amount than the 3 euros commission that would correspond to applying 3% to 100 euros. If you change the equivalent of six hundred euros from Mexican Pesos to euro, they would impose a 3% commission. That is eighteen euros, which is greater than the minimum of of 6 to 10 euros.

How does the Mexican Pesos to euro currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Currency exchange is a very opaque activity in France.

When you purchase or sell MXNs with euros or MXNs in exchange for euros at a bank or at the airport, you are paying more.

French banks practically invoice you a commission of 3% on the MXNs that you pruchase or sell from/to them.

And the currency supplier at the airport imposes on you a very deceiving price taking advantage of the fact that you passed through there.

Contrasting prices in a comparison engine like Comparer Devise that includes 5 currency suppliers in France is the best way to obtain more MXNs for the same euros.

Am I obliged to provide any type of ID card to change pesos to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, when you change pesos to euros at your bank store, they will already know their customers and you will only have to identify yourself as a customer of that entity.

If you change pesos to euros at a travel money provider´s office, on the street or at the airport, you will have to show a valid and current identity document (passport or resident´s identity card called carte nationale d´identité in France). Have in mind that the driver's ID is not accepted as a valid identification document when changing pesos to Euros.

Where can I sell pesos in exchange for euros in France today? Abrir Respuesta

In France you have three places where you can sell pesos to euros. You might be tempted to think primarily of your bank. Yet, the banks will all add an exchange rate to your pesos and a fee of 3%. This implies that, to give an example if you change the equivalent of a thousand euros from pesos to euros you will be charged a 30 euros commission.

alternatively, our other option might be the airport upon arrival to France. Yet, this channel is the most expensive of all alternatives because the foreign exchange suppliers located there, have to pay portion of their benefits to the airport owner.

Foreign exchange providers that work out of the airport in France are a very good option to sell pesos to euros.

Is it safe to change pesos Mexicanos to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

In France, currency providers and some banks are beginning to offer online currency exchange services to their clients when you change pesos Mexicanos to euros online.

You only have to place an online MXN-EUR reservation. Afterwards select an office of the supplier where to pick the euros from. And the date you will head to the chosen store.

Bear in mind that prices vary each day so it will be necessary to book online the same day you will go to the agency.

Is there a ceiling of that I can change online in France when I change to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The most common quantity of the typical traveler who sells to Euros is the equivalent in euros to seven hundred €, which is a quantity that falls within the limits of the foreign currency providers that operate with travelers in France.

The larger the quantity in euros of your to change, the higher the probability that you will be required to prove your business activity data additionally to your ID card or passport.

I have previously exchanged Euros to pesos Mexicanos, what can I do if I have leftover pesos Mexicanos on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

When you return to France from your trip, you can change your remaining pesos Mexicanos at your nearest of the different travel money supplier´s outlets that take part on the Comparer Devise results page.

Afterwards click/tap on the Sell your currency tab and look for your exceeding currency and then fill in the amount of Mexican Pesos banknotes you have. Please do not introduce the value of loose coins, for these providers do not accept them.

Is it recommendable to order online or click and collect pesos Mexicanos for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

Without doubt. We have surveyed the the currency suppliers and banks in France for more than five years and we know that, depending on the currency you want to sell, some currencies are easy to accept in exchange for euros but other less frequent ones aren´t.

Generally the Mexican Pesos to euro rate is more interesting when you order them online to collect them in store than if you go directly to the currency provider store.

When is the best moment to sell MXNs to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

There is no better or worse time to sell MXNs to euros. All foreign currencies depreciate or appreciate all the time based on the other currencies they are compared with.

Therefore, if you try to sell MXNs for euros, the most recommended thing you can do is make a previous price matching on Comparer Devise.

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