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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) MUR-EUR

Where can I change rupees MUR for euros during my holidays in France today? Abrir Respuesta

If you guessed that your the airport or your bank were the only places to change rupees MUR for euros on this day in France, please, firs of all check the prices in the various currency suppliers that we have compared for you above.

You can see that for the same amount of rupees MUR, you will obtain more Euros depending on the service you select and you can dispose of the remnants on other leisure activities for your trip (coffees, souvenirs, transportation, etc.).

Is there a limit to the amount of rupees MUR that I can change on the Internet in France when I change rupees MUR to euros? Abrir Respuesta

Travel money suppliers in France normally limit the maximum quantity of foreign currency to be bought from Mauritian Rupees to euro to the equivalent in euros to 3,000 to 6,000 euros per calendar quarter.

This is mandatory by the AML regulations. If you have to change a higher quantity of rupees MUR to Euros, it is advisable to speak directly with the travel money supplier.

They might require from you additional documentation and proof of the origins of your rupees MUR (identity card, passport, certificate of professional activity, income statements, etc.).

How will I get the best MUR-EUR exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

If you want to change MURs to euros you only need to choose MURs in our currency purchase form, tab Sell Currency. Then type in the amount you want to sell and choose your location in order to get the nearest currency exchange store.

Comparer Devise will show you the results of the different currency providers, sorted from more interesting to less appealing. We will also display the average rate at french high street banks and at the airports (if they buy MURs).

I have previously exchanged Euros to , what can I do if I have remaining on my way back from a holiday? Abrir Respuesta

After your trip and back to France, you can change your remaining at your closest of the different holiday money supplier´s branches that participate on the Comparer Devise grid.

Then click/tap on the Sell your currency tab and search for your exceeding currency and then fill in the quantity of Mauritian Rupees notes you need to change. Please do not include loose change, for these suppliers will not accept them.

When is the best time to change to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

On a daily basis, all year round the MUR-EUR rates see changes in international markets, depending on the vigour of the Mauritian Rupees currency against the Euro.

This is why, there is no preferred moment to change with euros. However you may find free websites like Comparer Devise that support you by comparing all the being bought by currency providers, the airport and the banks. With this information you will have sold your to euro at the best price on every ocasion you need.

Is it safe to sell MURs to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

Absolutely. You can change your MURs for euros in the online store of a currency supplier that has a website.

Furthermore, they will permit you the possibility of booking online and picking your euros at one of their outlets.

For your information rates vary each day so it will be optimal to order online the same day you will head to the agency to change MURs for euros.

How does the ISO to EUR currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

The operation of the Mauritian Rupees to euro currency exchange is easy to comprehend. Foreign currency notes are physical products that circulate around the world. Some currencies, such as the dollar or the pound, are very well distributed, and other currencies not so much.

The more difficult it is to find a currency, the more high priced it will be to obtain it. One of the reasons for this is that some countries limit the how much currency you can leave the country with.

If you are planning to make a MUR-EUR exchange, you will have to balance prices at the airport, at your bank and at currency supplier. And what better, to observe those rates at Comparer Devise.

Where to sell and where not to sell to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

In general, we suggest you to sell your foreign currency in safe locations and where they do not charge you a commission, in addition to a profit margin. Practically all french banks and some physical currency suppliers will impose on you a currency exchange fee circa 3 per cent, with a minimum (whichever is higher), between 6 and 10 euros.

This means that when you exchange the equivalent of one hundred € from Mauritian Rupees to euro, as well as an exchange margin, you will be charged a fixed commission of between 6 and 10 euros, since it is a higher quantity than the 3 euros commission that would correspond to applying 3% to 100 euros. If you change the equivalent of 600 euros from Mauritian Rupees to euro, they would apply a 3% commission. That is eighteen euros, which is higher than the minimum of of 6 to 10 euros.

Is it recommendable to make an online reservation of rupees MUR for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

Usually, the online rates of the travel money suppliers in France, are cheaper than those you obtain if you go directly in one of their stores.

So we advise you to conduct a rate comparison when selling rupees MUR to euros.

And afterwards Comparer Devise advices to reserve online to pick up the euros at a store of the currency exchange providers near you. This way you will receive more euros for your rupees MUR adequately.

Must I show any kind of ID card to sell my rupees in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

Yes, it is. According to the antimoney laundering norms, the french currency suppliers will ask you when you change holiday money to euros (and vice-versa) a valid and current identity document. If you sell rupees to euros at least they will demand from you for your resident´s ID card (carte nationale d´identité) or passport.

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