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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) BRL-EUR

How does the real brésilien to euro currency exchange work? Abrir Respuesta

Foreign exchange is a very opaque activity in France.

When you buy or sell réais BRLs with euros or réais BRLs in exchange for euros at the airport or at a bank, you are paying more.

French banks usually invoice you a commission of 3% on the réais BRLs that you pruchase or sell from/to them.

And the currency supplier at the airport imposes on you a very deceiving rate taking advantage of the fact that you passed through there.

Contrasting rates in a comparison engine like Comparer Devise that includes 5 currency providers in France is the best way to get more réais BRLs for the same euros.

Is it safe to sell BRLs to euros online in France? Abrir Respuesta

In territories like the the USA or the UK, it is usual to purchase foreign currency online. The traveler who needs to change BRLs to euros will go to a travel money website like Comparer Devise or directly to a foreign currency provider and order online their BRLs or whatever currency for euros she/he wants to change.

Am I obliged to show any type of ID card to sell my reales brésiliens in exchange for euros? Abrir Respuesta

To sell reales brésiliens to Euros online here you have to show a resident´s ID card (carte nationale d´identité) or a passport. These cards allow you to identify yourself when selling foreign currency physically or on the currency supplier´s website.

Is there a limit to the amount of reales brésiliens that I can change on the Internet in France when I change reales brésiliens to euros? Abrir Respuesta

The median purchase of the typical user who changes reales brésiliens to Euros is the equivalent in euros to seven hundred euros, which is a quantity that falls within the limits of the foreign currency suppliers that operate with end customers in France.

The larger the quantity in euros of your reales brésiliens to change, the higher the probability that you will be asked for your business activity data as well as your passport or ID card.

Where can I sell reales brésiliens in exchange for euros during my holidays in France today? Abrir Respuesta

In France you have three places where you can sell reales brésiliens to euros. The first thing that comes to mind is our bank. Still, the banks include an exchange rate to your reales brésiliens and a commission of 3%. This means that, for example when you change the equivalent of a thousand euros from reales brésiliens to euros you will have to pay a 30 euros fee.

On the other hand, your other alternative is the airport upon arrival to France. Still, this channel is the most costly of all alternatives because the currency providers that work there, must pay part of their benefits to the airport manager.

Foreign exchange suppliers located out of the airport in France are a much better option to change reales brésiliens to euros.

When is the best time to sell reales brésiliens to euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

On a daily basis, all year round the BRL-EUR prices oscillate in foerign markets, depending on the strength of the real brésilien currency against the Euro.

This is why, there is no best time to sell reales brésiliens with euros. But you may find free websites like Comparer Devise that support you by comparing all the reales brésiliens being bought by currency suppliers, the airport and the banks. With this information you will ensure you sell your reales brésiliens to euro at the best price of the day.

I have previously changed Euros to reales brésiliens, what can I do with my leftover reales brésiliens when I return to France? Abrir Respuesta

After your trip and back to France, you can exchange your exceeding reales brésiliens at your nearest of the different travel money provider´s outlets that participate on the Comparer Devise grid.

Then click/tap on the Sell your currency tab and look for your exceeding currency and then fill in the amount of real brésilien notes you want to change. Please do not include loose coins, for these providers will not accept them.

Is it safe to order online or click and collect BRLs for euros in France? Abrir Respuesta

If you need to guarantee the BRLs to euro price for your vacation in France, Comparer Devise recommends you to place an online order on the website of the chosen travel money supplier.

In addition, by doing so you save the possible commissions that some foreign currency suppliers in France impose on you by changing BRLs for euros directly in one of their offices.

In France when you book online on your bank's website or App, you will still be charged their holiday money commission of around two to three per cent, and you will pay at the exchange prices of the day of collection, not those of the day of the online booking.

Where to change and where not to change réais du Brésil to euros in France Abrir Respuesta

The place you are never advised in doing a real brésilien to euro exchange is at the airport. As with the bottle of water at scandalous prices, the airport manager and the airport currency provider, share the benefits of your exchange at the airport. As a rule, the more players that play in the travel money game the more expensive the rates to apply to travelers.

Practically all french banks charge you a 3% commission, with a minimum (whichever is higher) quantity of 6 to 10 euros.

How can I find the best real brésilien to euro exchange rate today here? Abrir Respuesta

Finding the best exchange rate for the réais du Brésil with respect to the euro today in France, is easy.

The first thing we advise you is to not pay attention the prices of the currency converters that appear on the Internet. These rates are for foerign currency but not for banknotes. In addition, they are exclusive to financial institutions. The rates you give out as an individual are less appealling.

The second thing you should do is look at the direct real brésilien to euro exchange rate (that 0.991 with more or less digits that you see advertised everywhere and that changes every day).

The higher that number is, the more euros you will obtain for every real brésilien you bring.

For that reason, the best exchange price will be the higher exchange rate. Comparer Devise makes it easy for you to order at the best real brésilien to euro exchange rate. Our results page sorts Euro offers from highest to lowest rate of the day in various currency providers, banks and airports in France.

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